Monday, June 15, 2009

TV On The Radio - Dear Science

I used to hate this album. I really liked Cookie Mountain, so I expected to like this album, but when I first heard it, I couldn't stand it. I tried a few more times later on and still, nothing. I found myself turning it off halfway through. I recently decided to give it another go and after a few listens it just clicked.

What I love about TV On The Radio (and most bands in general), is when they are able to create something that doesn't sound like everything else. In this category, TV On The Radio is king. The style on this album is all over the place, and yet the band has no real peers.

The first problem is simply that the first track is possibly the worst on the album, and the second half in general is far superior. The almost-rapping on "Dancing Choose" is great, "DLZ" gets up in your face, and "Family Tree" is simply beautiful.

I feel like a fool not to have realized that this album would be a huge grower. TV On The Radio is practically the definition of a grower band. I recommend you give this album a few listens... and then perhaps a few more.

Favorite Tracks: Family Tree, Love Dog, Crying

My Rating: 8/10


1. Halfway Home
2. Crying
3. Dancing Choose
4. Stork And Owl
5. Golden Age
6. Family Tree
7. Red Dress
8. Love Dog
9. Shout Me Out
10. DLZ
11. Lover's Day


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